Saturday 7 July 2012

Hmmmm.... What to do?? ...

So I've been set a breif for my final piece in my Urbanscape unit. I have to produce a final piece, of any shape or size, using my primary images and I must include at least one printing technique.

At the moment, I have no idea what to do. I have started to brainstrom ideas of areas I can look into to represent Urbanscape. Once I decide on the image I would like to produce I will then decide on a printing technique, the size and the material I will work on.

My ideas so far are based upon every day issues in our urban environment and instant visions people contemplate about when familarised with the word 'urban'.

Final Piece Ideas:
-Construction (new buildings - scafolding, cranes)

-Destruction (London riots, fire, police force, broken glass)

-Knife Crime (hooded men, alleyways, murders)

-Global Warming (weather disasters- flooding, heat wave, drought)

-Pollution (cars, factories)

 -Bands (influences, extensive amount of different bands and lies)

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