Wednesday 25 July 2012

Final Piece Idea...

So I've come to a decision on what to do for my final piece. The main theme will be destruction to construction. I decided on this idea because it surrounds us all in the urban environment that we live in. In addition, it is able to link to more than one of my inital ideas.

I wanted to construct my final piece on something other than an A3/2 sheet of cartridge paper. As a result, I am now working on a long sheet of lining paper.

The illustration will begin with buildings that are faded out from the bottom and given an unfinished look, to demonstrate destruction. On the opposite side, there will be bulidings being constucted, so images of scafolding and cranes will be visable.

Wednesday 11 July 2012

Prep for Urbanscape Final Piece

After brainstorming ideas I have began to compose some inital ideas and I printed out more photos that associated with these outcomes.

I dressed up as a thug in order to illustrate the harsh dangers faced by many roaming around streets. This enabled wearing stereotypical clothing; tracksuit bottoms, trainers, a hoodie, a cap and a scarf around the face. After uploading the images onto my laptop, I edited some of them to create a gritty texture.

 I was able to take a photo of two of my classmates dressed in hoodies to demonstrate the hooded men that are on the streets.

 This was a photo I captured on a trip to Wales. We were driving through the picturesque national park and stopped off at a spot to take photographs as memories of the mesmorising sites. To our amazement, there was a pile of rubbish dumped on the crisp green grass, ruining the scenery surrounding it. We were so outstounded by this purposeful visual pollution that we took a photo of the scene.

This provides evidence on the miss-use of land and highlights peoples' carelessness for the few natural elements that remain.

 I was able to take this photo the day after it was burnt down. The previous night before the photo, opposite my house, the car was set alight. Flames roared out from within and the firebrigade had to be called to wash out the fire. The damage left behind displayed unusual textures, which I was able to capture.

The photos I captured will help demonstrate destruction and portrays examples of unique textures.
 During one of the school holidays, my family and I decided to go for a walk in Valentines Park. Whilst we were there a lud explosion from nearby drew our attention. As we arrived closer, we discovered that a house close to the park was engulfed in flames. Smoke arrose from the house in mass amounts.

I would be able to use this photo when creating a composition were the buildings are set alight.

 On evening we lit the firepit using the remaining coal from our barbeque and burnt paper (such as religious photos, which we are unable to bin). This created a warm flames which kept us warm, as we surrounded the firepit in our garden.

The image I was able to capture will help me to illustrate buildings on fire.

Saturday 7 July 2012

Hmmmm.... What to do?? ...

So I've been set a breif for my final piece in my Urbanscape unit. I have to produce a final piece, of any shape or size, using my primary images and I must include at least one printing technique.

At the moment, I have no idea what to do. I have started to brainstrom ideas of areas I can look into to represent Urbanscape. Once I decide on the image I would like to produce I will then decide on a printing technique, the size and the material I will work on.

My ideas so far are based upon every day issues in our urban environment and instant visions people contemplate about when familarised with the word 'urban'.

Final Piece Ideas:
-Construction (new buildings - scafolding, cranes)

-Destruction (London riots, fire, police force, broken glass)

-Knife Crime (hooded men, alleyways, murders)

-Global Warming (weather disasters- flooding, heat wave, drought)

-Pollution (cars, factories)

 -Bands (influences, extensive amount of different bands and lies)

Tuesday 3 July 2012

Dexter Dalwood

An artist that I had to look at was Dexter Dalwood.

I chose two pieces of his work to analyse; The Calm and The Poll Tax Riots.

'The Poll Tax Riots' demonstrated a very urban, street art illustration; therefore I believed it related to the topic very well. The whole image seemed to be the after effect of a polling day.
I interpreted the blue wash in the foreground as a pool of water, which undercovered the fire that was engulfing the surrounding buildings.
'The Calm' stood out to me because of the irony in the piece. Although, named calm the picture demonstates mass distruction. The tears of paper dividing the page into three vivid factions emphasises this. I believe the strip of green in the centre portrays the view before the devistation and the surrounding dull environment is what the landscape looks like now.

Thursday 28 June 2012

Editing Photos

 I edited some primary and secondary photos to link to Jan Levy's artwork.

I edited the images by using an online site to add different effects and change elements of the photographs; including the contrast, temperature, highlights, shaddows, ect.

Laura Barnard

An artist that I looked at after drawing my idea for my polyboard, was Laura Barnard.
I was able to discover that there is an artist, whose work is similar to the style I used to create my composition for my print.

Jan Levy

The other artist I looked at is Jan Levy.
Jan Levy also uses very extravigant colours, however there is no simplicity in the work.

This is the website I used in order to gather information and secondary images.